
NetHui South 2014: We want to hear from you

Nethui South

NetHui South is halfway between a traditional conference and an unconference or barcamp.

Like a traditional conference, NetHui South has a pre-agreed agenda. However, much like an unconference, people “participate” rather than passively “attend”. Everyone’s views are valued; everyone is encouraged to fully participate.

NetHui South isn’t a conference run by some faceless national organisation and we’ve had too much of that in Christchurch already. It’s a collaborative, multistakeholder gathering where we all set the agenda. To that end, we want to hear your suggestions for the programme and we want you to get involved.

What want is programme suggestions –keynote speakers, topics for panels and sessions, side-event ideas – that kind of thing. We want as much community involvement as you can shake a stick at. A big community sized stick. By community we don’t just mean Christchurch but the wider community in Canterbury and the South Island (whisper it, but North Islanders are welcome too),

The real soul of NetHui South is the streams. Rooms are arranged for circular sitting to encourage conversation. A stream or topic facilitator sets the context, taking no more than 5-10 minutes. After that, the role of the facilitator is, as they name suggests, to facilitate the discussion. No Power Points, no presentations. Just high quality conversation, welcoming multiple perspectives on the topic.

Looking at previous Nethui and placing it into a Christchurch context gives us wide options, from the agricultural hinterland to the small business of Christchurch, via tourism, the digital divide, connectivity and education through to getting our exports up and our democracy strong. The Internet has a part to play and here is a forum to join the dots.

The same ethos flows into the panels. There is some context setting prior to a panel followed by panel members taking 5-10 minutes to set out their respective views. Then it is an open mic. Participants are encouraged to share their own views or ask a question.

We’re keen to hear from people who want to be involved in NetHui South – as a facilitator, as a volunteer or any other capacity you can think of. To do this, please fill out the contributor’s form or email


You can also come along to Catalyst’s Christchurch office, Level 1, 284 Kilmore St Christchurch 8011 (that’s above Pomeroys) from about 5:30 for 6 to 730. That will give prospective presenters a chance to meet and for us to collectively determine the program. RSVP to